Iklan 768x90

Jawaban Latihan Bahasa Inggris

Terbit: 7 Feb 2025
Edit Terakhir: 12 Feb 2025

Exercise: 001# 1. and, 2. nor, 3. but, 4. yet, 5. for, 6. or, 7. so, 8, but, 9, so, 10. for 

Exercise: 002# 1. wherever, 2. where, 3. if, 4. unless, 5. though, 6. whether, 7. so that, 8. as, 9. so, 10. lest.

Exercise: 003# 1. at, 2. at, 3. in, 4. on, 5. in, 6. on, 7. in, 8. on, 9. on, 10. at, 11. in, 12. at, 13. on, 14. in, 15. on, 16. at, 17. on, 18. in, 19. in, 20. in

Exercise: 004# 1. are, 2. is, 3. don't, 4. is, 5. lives, 6. takes, 7. want, 8. is, 9. is, 10. knows, 11. is, 12. is - is, 13. is, 14. are, 15. are, 16. were - is, 17. debates, 18. lead, 19. great, 20. are 

Exercise 005# 1. is - like - are - agree - are - are - are - is - has - ask - is  2. has - have - does - is - is - have - are  3. own - is - comes - run - sell - deal - are  4. love - owns - is  5. is - were - was   6. takes - is - has 

Exercise 006# 1. up, 2. up, 3. across, for, 4. off, 5. up, 6. on, with, 7. out, 8. down, 9. without, 10. by, 11. for, 12. with, 13. about

Exercise 007# 1. doesn't, 2. doesn't, 3. did not, 4. Did, 5. does, 6. doesn't, 7. does, 8. do, 9. did, 10. Do

Exercise 008# 1. The, 2. an, 3. a, 4. -, 5. a, 6. the, 7. The, 8. a, 9. -, 10. the, 11. a, 12. the, 13. -, 14. a, the. 15. -, a, 16. a, the, 17. -, the, 18. a, a 19. a, the, 20. -, the 

Exercise 009# 1. He, 2. It, 3. They, 4. It, 5. We, 6. They, 7. He, 8. She, 9. She, 10. you

Exercise 010# 1. He, 2. They, 3. It, 4. They, 5. She, 6. I, 7. It, 8. They, 9. We, 9. You. 

Exercise 011# 1. her, 2. they, her, 3. she, her, 4. my, I, 5. they, their, 6. he, his, 7. my, mine, 8. she, her, 9. our, 10. they, they, them


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