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Download Free Ebook Theorizing Teaching Anna Katharina 2023 Pdf

Terbit: 6 Feb 2025
Edit Terakhir: 6 Feb 2025

Title: Theorizing Teaching: Current Status and Open Issues

Writer:  Anna-Katharina Praetorius,  Charalambos Y. Charalambous

Publisher: Spinger – Switzerland

Year: 2023



1. Where Are We on Theorizing Teaching? A Literature Overview   1

Anna-Katharina Praetorius and Charalambos Y. Charalambous

2. Creating Practical Theories of Teaching   23

James Hiebert and James W. Stigler

3. Teaching Effectiveness Revisited Through the Lens of Practice Theories   57

Svenja Vieluf and Eckhard Klieme

4. Theory on Teaching Effectiveness at Meta, General and Partial Level    97

Jaap Scheerens

5. Establishing a Comprehensive Theory of Teaching and Learning:  The Contribution of the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness   131

Leonidas Kyriakides, Anastasia Panayiotou, and Panayiotis Antoniou

6. A Theory of Teaching  159

Alan H. Schoenfeld

7. Keeping Theorizing in Touch with Practice: Practical Rationality  as a Middle Range Theory of Mathematics Teaching   189

Patricio G. Herbst and Daniel Chazan

8. Theory for Teaching and Teaching for Theory: Artifacts  as Tangible Entities for Storing and Improving Professional  Knowledge for Teaching    225

Jinfa Cai, Stephen Hwang, Matthew Melville, and Victoria Robison

9. Outline of a Theory of Teaching: What Teaching Is,  What It Is For, How It Works, and Why It Requires Artistry  253

Gert Biesta

10. Drawing on the Delphi Technique to Explore Areas  of Convergence and Divergence Among Expert Opinions  in the Field of Teaching281

Anna-Katharina Praetorius and Charalambos Y. Charalambous with

Gert Biesta, Jinfa Cai, Daniel Chazan, Patricio G. Herbst,

Stephen Hwang, James Hiebert, Eckhard Klieme,

Leonidas Kyriakides, Matthew Melville, Panayiotis Antoniou,

Anastasia Panayiotou, Victoria Robison, Jaap Scheerens,

Alan H. Schoenfeld, James Stigler, and Svenja Vieluf

11. Theorizing Teaching: Synthesizing Expert Opinion  to Identify the Next Steps 325

Charalambos Y. Charalambous and Anna-Katharina Praetorius



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