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Memahami Preposition (Kata Depan) dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Penggunaannya

Terbit: 27 Jan 2025
Edit Terakhir: 9 Feb 2025

Preposition (kata depan) adalah kata yang ditempatkan sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti untuk menunjukan hubungan dengan bagian-bagian kalimat lainnya. Pada umumnya preposition diletakkan sebelum kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun). Sedangkan kata benda atau kata ganti yang mengikuti preposisi harus berkedudukan sebagai obyek. Berikut beberapa kata proposition dengan penggunaannya dalam kalimat: 

at (di, pada, ke arah)

  • They are at home now. (Mereka ada di rumah sekarang)
  • I get up at five o'clock every morning. (Saya bangun pada jam lima setiap pagi)
  • We throw stone at the dog. (Kami melempari batu pada anjing itu)

in (di, di dalam, pada, di-waktu)

  • They are in the waitingroom. (Mereka ada di ruang tunggu)
  • She has born in 1971. (Dia lahir pada tahun 1971)

 on (di atas, pada)

  • The book is on the table. (Buku itu ada di atas meja)
  • I'll come here on Sunday. (Saya akan datang kesini hari Minggu)

Exercise 003#: Put the correct proposition (choose in/on/at). Do as examples: 

  • When  I called Lucy, she was ...... the bus. (on)
  • Lucy was standing ...... the bus stop. (at)
  1. There was a loud noise which woke up ...... midnight.
  2. My father always reads the paper ...... breakfast time. 
  3. The trees here are really beautiful ...... the spring. 
  4. I'll see you ...... Tuesday afternoon then. 
  5. In my hometown, the shops open early ...... the morning. 
  6. We are meeting ...... Friday morning. 
  7. Mobile phones become popular ...... the nineties. 
  8. She met her husband ...... 1998. 
  9. I had a party ...... my birthday. 
  10. We met at the restaurant ...... 8 pm. 
  11. He's swimming ...... the river. 
  12. Where's Julie? She's ...... school. 
  13. The plant is ...... on the table. 
  14. I read the story in the newspaper. 
  15. She hung a picture ...... the wall. 
  16. I stayed ...... home all weekend. 
  17. The are four cushions ...... the sofa. 
  18. There are two pockets ...... in this bag. 
  19. I'll meet you ...... the cinema. 
  20. Please put those apples ...... the bowl.

about (sekitar, sekeliling, kira-kira, tentang, mengenai, berkisaran pada)

  • He walked about the town. (Dia berjalan sekeliling kota)
  • It's about two o'clock. (Itu kira-kira jam dua)
  • I told her about the accident. (Saya bercerita padanya tentang kecelakaan itu)
  • This article topic is about the politic. (Topic artikel ini  berkisaran pada politik)

above (di atas, lebih tinggi)

  • The sky is above the earth. (Langit itu di atas bumi)
  • The plane fly above that bird. (Pesawat terbang itu terbang lebih tinggi dari burung)

across (di seberang, lewat)

  • They live across the street. (Mereka tinggal di seberang jalan)
  • She took a walk across the garden. (Mereka berjalan melewati kebun itu)

after (sesudah, setelah)

  • She come here after me. (Dia datang kesini setelah aku)

behind (di belakang, ke belakang)

  • Who is running behind you? (Siapa yang sedang berlari di belakangmu?)
  • She went behind the car. (Dia pergi ke belakang mobil)

beside (di samping)

  • He stood beside the window. (Dia berdiri disamping jendela)

besides (selain, kecuali)

  • I didn't expect anyone besides you. (Saya tidak mengharapkan yang lain selain kamu)

by (dekat, di samping, melewati, lewat, sebelum, menjelang, dengan, naik, oleh, dari, pada, selama)

  • Don't put the pencil by the fire. (Jangan letakan pensil itu di dekat api)
  • She walks by his house every morning. (Dia berjalan melewati rumahnya setiap pagi)
  • I will return this book by Monday. (Saya akan mengembalikan buku ini sebelum hari Senen)
  • I go to school by motor cycle everyday. (Saya pergi kesekolah naik sepeda motor setiap hari)
  • The tiger was killed by the hunter. (Harimau itu di bunuh oleh pemburu)
  • I know the man by his name only. (Saya kenal laki-laki itu dari namanya saja)
  • I don't like travelling by night. (Saya tidak suka berkeliling pada malam hari)

into (ke dalam, menjadi)

  • The boy went into the house. (Anak laki-laki itu pergi ke dalam rumah)
  • The verb is changed into the noun. (Kata kerja itu dirubah menjadi kata benda)

in front of (di depan)

  • The teacher is in front of the class. (Guru itu ada di depan kelas)

inside (di/ke dalam)

  • He stay inside the house when it start raining. (Dia tinggal di dalam rumah ketika hari hujan)

among (di antara)

  • There is an apple among the oranges. (Anda sebuah apel di antara jeruk-jeruk itu)

around (disekeliling, bergerak mengelilingi)

  • She walks around the park. (Dia berjalan mengelilingi taman)

at the back of  (di belakang)

  • He is sitting at the back of the car. (Dia duduk di belakang mobil)

as far as (hingga, sejauh)

  • They walked as far as a twenty kilometres. (Mereka berjalan sejauh dua puluh kilometer)

before (sebelum)

  • I never go home before five o'clock. (Saya tidak pernah pulang sebelum jam lima)

below (di bawah)

  • I saw the sea below us. (Saya melihat laut di bawah kami)

beneath (di bawah - dalam keadaan saling berhimpitan/menempel)

  • The envelope is beneath the stamp. (Amplop itu di bawah perangko.

between (di antara, sekitar)

  • He sits between George and Billy. (Dia duduk di antara George dan Billy)

beyond (di luar, di seberang)

  • It is beyond my power. (Itu di luar kekuatan saya)

but (selain, kecuali)

  • No one but he could have done this job. (Tidak seorang pun kecuali dia dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini)

down (turun)

  • He climbed down the stairs. (Dia turun dari tangga)

during (selama)

  • She stayed here during her holidays. (Dia tinggal disini selama liburannya)

except (kecuali, selain)

  • They were all here except him. (Mereka semua berada disini kecuali dia)

for (buat, untuk, selama, karena)

  • The letter is for you. (Surat ini untuk kamu)
  • I have been here for six weeks. (Saya telah berada disinin selama enam minggu)
  • He was punished for stealing. (Dia dihukum karena mencuri)

from (dari - menyatakan tempat/waktu, dari - menyatakan bahan dasar)

  • We came from Jakarta yesterday. (Kita datang dari Jakarta kemarin)
  • Steel in make from iron. (Besi terbuat dari besi)

near (dekat)

  • My house is near the hospital. (Rumahku dekat rumah sakit)

of (milik, bagian dari, menyatakan isi atau sifat sesuatu)

  • The son of my teacher is a lawyer. (Anak dari guruku adalah seorang pengacara)
  • He is a man of great skill. (Dia laki-laki yang sangat berpengalaman)
  • I want a glass of milk. (Saya ingin segelas susu)

onto (di atas)

  • She walked onto the platform. (Dia berjalan di atas podium)

out of (keluar dari)

  • She walked out fo the office. (Dia berjalan keluar dari kantor itu)

outside (di luar, sebelah luar)

  • I met her outside the office yesterday. (Saya berjumpa dia diluar kantor kemarin)

over (di atas, lewat, melintasi, lebih dari, di seberang)

  • The ceiling is over the floor. (Atap itu ada di atas lantai)
  • The plane is flying over the island. (Pesawat itu sedang terbang melintasi pulau)
  • My father is over 80 years old now. (Ayah saya berumur lebih dari 80 tahun sekarang)
  • They live over the street. (Mereka tinggal di seberang jalan itu)

round (mengelilingi)

  • They sat round the table. (Mereka duduk mengelilingi meja)

since (sejak)

  • We have studied here since last year. (Kami telah belajar di sini sejak tahun lalu)

through (melalui, lewat)

  • You can see the flowers through the window. (Kamu dapat melihat bunga-bunga itu melalui jendela)

till (hingga, sampai)

  • I will always love you till the end. (Saya akan selalu mencintaimu hingga akhir)

to (untuk, pada, ke)

  • I give it to you. (Saya memberikannya untukmu)
  • We must obey to the rule. (Kita harus patuh pada peraturan)
  • I go to school everyday. (Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari)

toward (menuju)

  • He was driving toward the town. (Dia sedang mengemudi mobil menuju kota)

under (di bawah, kurang dari)

  • The cat is under the table. (Kucing itu ada di bawah meja)
  • She is under seventeen years old. (Dia berumur kurang dari tujuh belas tahun)

until (hingga, sampai)

  • He lived here untill he was twenty. (Dia tinggal disini hingga dia berumur dua puluh)

up (di/ke atas)

  • He climbed up the hill. (Dia memanjat ke atas bukit itu)

up to (hingga, sampai)

  • I don't know her name up to now. (Saya tidak tahu namanya hingga sekarang)

upon (pada, di, di atas)

  • Peace be upon you. (Semoga kesejahteraan ada pada anda)

with (dengan, dengan-mengartikan kepemilikan, pada)

  • Can I go with her tonight? (Dapatkah saya pergi dengannya malam ini?)
  • The boy with the blue eyes is my brother. (Anak laki-laki dengan mata biru adalah suadara laki-lakiku)
  • He was very angry with me. (Dia sangat marah padaku)

within (dalam jangka waktu)

  • Can you do it within a month? (Dapatkah kamu mengerjakannya dalam waktu sebulan?)

without (tanpa)

  • I won't go without her. (Saya tidak akan pergi tanpa dia)


Exercise 006#: Put the correct proposition (choose up, across, for, off, up, on, with, without, by,  about, down, out). Do as examples:

  • They had to put ........ the meeting when the general director didn't turn ........ (off, up)
  • We shall be leaving ....... for Antartice ...... few months. (for, in)
  1. He made ........ a story when he was late for the first class, but the teacher didn't believe him.
  2. We still haven't come ........ with an interesting theme for the advertising campaign.
  3. He came ........ a very old letter written by his grandmother to his grandfather while he was looking ........ an old photo for his research paper.
  4. The plane wasn't allowed to take ........ because of bad weather conditions.
  5. Most people prefer taking ........ a hobby to relieve stress.
  6. Do you get ........ well ........ your sister?
  7. The diamond ring that her boyfriend bought for her turned ........ to be a fake one.
  8. His application was turned ........ as he didn't complete the necessary requirements in time.
  9. She drinks a litre of water every day ........ fail
  10. He added salt instead of sugar ........ mistake
  11. I love eating out in London. ........ instance, one of my favourite restaurants has amazing Japanese food.
  12. Luke is very pleased ........  his exam results.
  13. She's very excited ........ the party.

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