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Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronouns

Terbit: 12 Des 2020
Edit Terakhir: 28 Jan 2025

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives tidaklah sama dengan possessive pronouns. Kata ganti ini lebih membatasi dari pada pengganti nouns, sementara possessive pronouns merupakan pengganti nouns. Possessive adjectives menunjukan kepemilikan yang merupakan bagian dari diri si pemiliknya. Yang merupakan possessive adjectives yaitu: my... –  your...     his... –  her... –  our... – your... – their... –  its...

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

  • His investement in living extends beyond his own need to genuine concen for other.
  • They eat with their parents, but not around the table.

(His investement, his own need, dan their parents merupakan possessive adjective. Kata investment dibatasi oleh kata his. Begitu juga dengan own need dibatasi oleh kata his dan parents dibatasi oleh kata their. Kata benda yang mengikutinya menyatakan kepemilikan dari kata ganti tersebut.)


Change the correct pronoun in parentheses with possessive adjectives. Do as examples.

  • She couldn’t think of a topic for (she) composition.     her__
  • (I) dad bought me a new motorcycle.      My___

  1. Fred and Mary were supposed to meet them, but (Fred and Mary) car broke down. _______
  2. We haven’t finished (we) assignment on time. ________
  3. Eight people return (they) form. ________
  4. We hate each other since (we) dispute. ________
  5. The teacher ask (I) some questions. ________


Possessive Pronouns

Pronouns ini tidak bisa didahului oleh nouns. Ini merupakan pronouns yang menggantikan nouns yang sudah jelas keberadaannya. Keberadaan bendanya dapat dipahami dari kontek teks dan bukan merupakan pengulangan.  Yang merupakan possessive pronouns yaitu: mine yours his hersours  theirs its

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

  1. This is your book and that is mine.
  2. Your teacher is the same as theirs.  
  3. Our books are thickness. Ours are heavy.

(Kata mine merupakan bentuk pronoun dari my book. Theirs dimaksudkan pada their teacher dan ours adalah our teacher. Penghilangan kata benda dikarenakan benda/objek yang dibicarakan sudah sama-sama diketahui sebelumnya.)


Complete the following sentences by supplying appropriate possessive pronouns. Do as examples.   

We found     his/hers_   the best of the entries.

               Theirs      had been damage, but not    _mine _ .              

  1. All things considered, Amy prefers to market _________ because she admires the work we do.
  2. Jon and Rory enjoy their new home more than we can possibly enjoy _________.
  3. Reading is valuable for their children as well as for _________.
  4.  If you will do without yours, I will do without _________.
  5. When the big contributor announces her generous gift, we will announce _________.


Zulfahmi M, 2020, English Grammar and Reading: Materi dan Latihan untuk Bahasa Inggris Umum, CV. Kekata Group: Surakarta


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