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Demonstrative Pronouns

Terbit: 25 Des 2020
Edit Terakhir: 28 Jan 2025

Demonstrative pronouns merupakan kata ganti penunjuk kata yang menggantikan nouns, baik dalam bentuk benda maupun orang. Yang merupakan demonstrative pronouns yaitu: thisthatthesethoseherethere.

This (ini) digunakan penunjuk objek tunggal yang dekat sementara that (itu) untuk penunjuk yang jauh.   These (ini)digunakan penunjuk objek jamak yang dekat sedangkan those  (itu) penunjuk yang jauh. Here (di sini) digunakan menujukan lokasi yang dekat sedangkan there (di sana) menunjukan yang jauh.

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:   

  • These are my only objections to the entire plan.
  • Choose among those and let me know your decisions as soon as possible.
  • They decided against that at least ten years ago.  

(Kata these, those dan that merupakan demonstrative pronoun. These merujuk pada objections, those merujuk pada decisions,  dan that merujuk pada decided.)


Underline the reference of the words in italics. Do as examples:

  • This suit me better than the previous choice.
  • High on his list of priorities was becoming independent of his father. That, however, was easier said than done.

  1. A group of horticulturalists in New Jersey has been working on a new project. This involves the development of a completely different type of rose.
  2. Many people connect alcohol intake with drunkenness, but that is by no means the only consequence of drinking too much.
  3. He insisted on going to the Bahamas for their honeymoon. Fortunately, that was exactly where she wanted to go.
  4. Many overweight people blame their condition on physical disorders such as thyroid trouble, but doctors claim that these are seldom the cause of obesity.
  5. After winning the lottery in Pennsylvania, she bought a Mercedes and a condominium. These were the first two large purchases she had ever been able to pay for in cash.


Zulfahmi M, 2020, English Grammar and Reading: Materi dan Latihan untuk Bahasa Inggris Umum, CV. Kekata Group: Surakarta


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