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Latihan Speaking - Melengkapi Dialog 1: Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

Terbit: 10 Mar 2020
Edit Terakhir: 7 Jan 2025
1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct expression to complete it.
Miyaa    : I haven’t met our friend, Doni for long time. I miss him.
Arya       : Oh. It’s hard for me to tell you. He is hospitalized now.
Miyaa    : Really? What’s wrong with him?
Arya       : The doctor said that he had cancer in his lungs.
Miyaa    : Oh. I am sorry to hear that.  ....
Arya       : That’s right. Let’s pray for him.
A. I don’t know what to say
B. I think he will get better
C. I hope he will get better soon
D. Let’s hope for the best
2. Read the dialogue and choose the correct respon to complete it.
Ms Kalea: Good morning class. Let’s prepare your drawing book.
John : Morning Sir. But, ... I want to buy it there.
Ms Kalea : Don’t you bring it from home ?
John : I am sorry, Sir. I forget it.                
Ms Kalea : Oh. It’s OK. Hurry up, please
A. What about going to the school shop?
B. May I go to the school shop?
C. Is it OK if I go out, Sir?
D. May I go out, Sir?

3. Complete the dialogue with suitable expressions provided below !
Nidia:  Some people say that smoking is good for our health? 
           Do you agree with this idea ?
Rina : .... Everybody knows it is an unhealthy activity.
Nidia : Why do many old man do it?
Rina : That’s not our business. Don’t think of them.
A. I  really don’t think about it
B. I have no idea about it
C. I don’t agree with you
D. I disagree with this.

4. Complete the dialogue with suitable expressions provided below !
Mr Reynold : ....
Students : Alright Sir. But, what’s the matter?
Mr Reynold : Listen to me. I will tell you something if you are ready. Be quiet!
Students : Yes, Sir. Now we are ready. Please, tell me immediately.
A. Excuse me. Will you pay attention for a moment, please?
B. Hi. Will you say something to me, please?
C. Hello class. Do you mind looking at me?
D. Morning everybody. Are you ready?  
5. Choose the best response to complete the dialogue below!
Anisha  : I want to join a singing contest next year but I haven’t prepared it yet. 
               So what do you think I should do?
Robert  : ....
Anisha  : Oh I see. I must do it now otherwise I will fail in the contest.
A. You have manything to do actually if you want to win in the contest
B. In my opinion, you have to join a singing course and practise it more
C. I think you can join that singing contest so you must prepare yourself
D. It is better for you to prepare it well so you can join the contest next year

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