Writer: Gerald Core
Published by : Thomson
Year: 2009
Edition: Eighth Edition
Basic Issues in Counseling Practice 1
1 Introduction and Overview
2 The Counselor: Person and Professional
3 Ethical Issues in Counseling Practice 36
Theories and Techniques of Counseling 57
4 Psychoanalytic Therapy 59
5 Adlerian Therapy 96
6 Existential Therapy 131
7 Person-Centered Therapy 164
8 Gestalt Therapy 197
9 Behavior Therapy 232
10 Cognitive Behavior Therapy 272
11 Reality Therapy 315
12 Feminist Therapy 339
13 Postmodern Approaches 373
14 Family Systems Therapy 409
Integration and Application 445
15 An Integrative Perspective 447
16 Case Illustration: An Integrative Approach to Working With Stan 483
Buku membicaraka tentang Basic issues in counseling, Theories and
Techniques dan Integration and Aplication dalam lebih 500 halaman.
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