Title: Psychology A Self Teaching Guide
Author: Frank J Bruno Ph.D
Publisher: John Willey and Sons Inc
Year: 2002
Author: Frank J Bruno Ph.D
Publisher: John Willey and Sons Inc
Year: 2002
Daftar Isi.
- Introduction: The Foundations of Psychology 1
- Research Methods in Psychology: Gathering Data 17
- The Biology of Behavior: Is the Brain the Organ of Mental Life? 30
- Sensation: Studying the Gateways of Experience 45
- Perception: Why Do Things Look the Way They Do? 57
- Learning: Understanding Acquired Behavior 72
- Motivation: Why Do We Do What We Do? 90
- Emotions: Riding Life’s Roller Coaster 107
- Thinking: Exploring Mental Life 120
- Intelligence: In Pursuit of Rational Thought and Effective Action 136
- Developmental Psychology: How Children Become Adults 153
- Sex and Love: Are You in the Mood? 174
- Personality: Psychological Factors That Make You an Individual 191
- Abnormal Psychology: Exploring Mental Disorders 212
- Therapy: Helping Troubled People 231
- Social Psychology: Interacting with Other People 247
Buku ini membahas terkait dengan A complete course, from brain biology to abnormal psychology, Hundred of questions and many review test, dan Key concepts and term and explained. Semoga bermanfaat.
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