Verbs (kata kerja) merupakan kata atau kata-kata yang menggambarkan tindakan atau keadaan subjek dalam suatu klausa atau kalimat. Sebuah verbs mungkin diikuti oleh helping verbs atau auxiliaries, seperti: must be. Ini disebut juga dengan verbs phrase. Verbs atau verb phrases sering berfungsi sebagai prediket dalam kalimat.
Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
- The task of teacher is central of education.
- The teacher must be a many-sided person.
- The successful teacher has a basic knowledge of how the students learn.
- The children played at their games until they were called home.
(Kata is, must be, has, played merupakan verb atau prediket dalam
kalimat. Sementara the task of teacher, the teacher, the successful teacher,
the chidren merupakan subjek dari kata kerja tersebut.)
Identify verb and subject in the
following sentence. Do as example.
We dug for many hours and found nothing.
Verb: __dug, found_______ Subject: __We______
In my English class today, we have an assignment.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
The door closed silently behind her as she left the house.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
Eileen agreed that a trip to the college campus was worth her time.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
The unsold books remained in the shop year after year.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
Much of the teaching activity is done informally.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
The children played at their games until they were called home.
Verb: _________________ Subject:___________________
Zulfahmi M, 2020, English Grammar and Reading: Materi dan Latihan untuk Bahasa Inggris Umum, CV. Kekata Group: Surakarta
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