Adjectives adalah kata atau kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan atau memberi informasi lanjut pada nouns, pronouns, atau verbs. Adjectives juga untuk melengkapi linking verbs atau be (am, is, are, was, were).
Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
- A Some of your cells are red blood cells.
- Many diseases cannot grow when your body is hot.
(Kata red merupakan adjective untuk menjelaskan kata blood. Kata blood adalah sebuah noun. Artinya adjective menjelaskan noun dalam frasa red blood. Pada kalimat kedua, kata hot merupakan adjective yang melengkapi linking verb is.)
Underline adjectives in the following sentences and mention their nouns. Do as examples.
- The motorcycle is old. motorcycle____
- Today is cloudy, hot, and humid. ___today/day___
- The man wearing a blue suit is young. _______________
- The job was difficult, but manageable. _______________
- Ten apples are enough for two large pies. _______________
- Oaken buckets were used by early settlers. _______________
- An orange jacket is advisable on a ski slope. _______________
Terdapat tiga jenis adjectives yaitu descriptive adjectives, limiting adjetives, dan proper adjectives.
Descriptive adjectives menjelaskan kualitas atau kondisi bagian kalimat, seperti: a perfect marriage, a red dress, an honest attorney, running water, a broken axle, dan lain sebagainya.
Limiting adjectives merujuk pada demonstrative, indefinit, numeral, possessive dan relative. Demonstrative diantaranya adalah this, these, that, those, dan what. Indefinite contohnya adalah all, any, each, most, no, some, several dan lainnya. Numeral yaitu penggunaan ordinal, cardinal dan fraction number. Possessive yaitunya kata-kata your, her, his, their, our, dan my. Sementara itu relative contohnya adalah kata whose.
Proper adjectives menggambarkan adjective yang mengacu pada nama-nama tertentu. Contohnya terlihat pada Indian customs, French perfume, Austrian cuisine, Chinese checkers, African violets, dan lain sebagainya.
Identify the adjectives and then mention whether they are as descriptive adjectives, limiting adjectives, or proper adjectives. Do as examples.
My first bad mistake was followed by many others.
- ___first: limiting adjcetive, many: limiting adjective___
- The lecturer spent his time on French culture, not history.
- his: limiting, French: proper___________
1. Eleven players are needed if we are to have a good game.
2. She asked advice from her mother before cooking breakfast for her sisters.
3. That shirt goes well with both my suits.
4. Each sentence he spoke revealed his disappointment.
5. No decent person would ever hold such opinions.
Zulfahmi M, 2020, English Grammar and Reading: Materi dan Latihan untuk Bahasa Inggris Umum, CV. Kekata Group: Surakarta
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